Active Table supports the following file formats: csv
, xls
, xlsx
, ods
, txt
. You can import or export files via the use of buttons,
methods or using drag and drop. You can additionally copy data from an external spreadsheet and paste it into the table directly.
- Type: {
buttons?: FileButton[]
,dragAndDrop: boolean | DragAndDrop
} - Default: {buttons: [], dragAndDrop: false}
is an array containing button definitions.
is used to configure the drag and drop functionality. If any of the buttons
use the import
property, it automatically defaults to true.
- Sample code
- Full code
<active-table files='{"buttons": [{"import": true}, {"export": true}], "dragAndDrop": true}'></active-table>
<!-- This example is for Vanilla JS and should be tailored to your framework (see Examples) -->
<!-- If you are using file formats other than csv, import the 'xlsx' module (see Files Examples) -->
files='{"buttons": [{"import": true}, {"export": true}], "dragAndDrop": true}'
["Planet", "Diameter", "Mass", "Moons", "Density"],
["Earth", 12756, 5.97, 1, 5514],
["Mars", 6792, 0.642, 2, 3934],
["Jupiter", 142984, 1898, 79, 1326],
["Saturn", 120536, 568, 82, 687],
["Neptune", 49528, 102, 14, 1638]]'
tableStyle='{"width":"100%", "boxShadow": "rgb(172 172 172 / 17%) 0px 0.5px 1px 0px", "borderRadius":"2px"}'
Object types for properties inside files
- Type: {
import: true | ImportOptions
export: true | ExportOptions
text?: string
styles?: StatefulCSS
position?: OuterContentPosition
order?: number
} - Default: {
text: "Import"|"Export",
position: "bottom-left",
order: 0
This object requires either the import
or export
properties to be defined.
is the text that is displayed on the button.
is the definition of button style for various mouse events.
is the location of the button.
is the order of the button when multiple other components are also placed in the same position.
- Sample code
- Full code
"buttons": [
"import": true,
"styles": {
"default": {
"backgroundColor": "#46acff", "height": "19px", "padding": "7px 14px", "color": "white", "border": "unset"
"hover": {"backgroundColor": "#2b9cf8"}, "click": {"backgroundColor": "#198eef"}
"text": "Import File",
"position": "top-left",
"order": 1
"export": true,
"styles": {
"default": {
"backgroundColor": "#46acff", "height": "19px", "padding": "7px 14px", "color": "white", "border": "unset"
"hover": {"backgroundColor": "#2b9cf8"}, "click": {"backgroundColor": "#198eef"}
"text": "Export File",
"position": "top-left",
"order": 0
<!-- This example is for Vanilla JS and should be tailored to your framework (see Examples) -->
<!-- If you are using file formats other than csv, import the 'xlsx' module (see Files Examples) -->
"buttons": [
"import": true,
"styles": {
"default": {
"backgroundColor": "#46acff", "height": "19px", "padding": "7px 14px", "color": "white", "border": "unset"
"hover": {"backgroundColor": "#2b9cf8"}, "click": {"backgroundColor": "#198eef"}
"text": "Import File",
"position": "top-left",
"order": 1
"export": true,
"styles": {
"default": {
"backgroundColor": "#46acff", "height": "19px", "padding": "7px 14px", "color": "white", "border": "unset"
"hover": {"backgroundColor": "#2b9cf8"}, "click": {"backgroundColor": "#198eef"}
"text": "Export File",
"position": "top-left",
"order": 0
["Planet", "Diameter", "Mass", "Moons", "Density"],
["Earth", 12756, 5.97, 1, 5514],
["Mars", 6792, 0.642, 2, 3934],
["Jupiter", 142984, 1898, 79, 1326],
["Saturn", 120536, 568, 82, 687],
["Neptune", 49528, 102, 14, 1638]]'
tableStyle='{"width":"100%", "boxShadow": "rgb(172 172 172 / 17%) 0px 0.5px 1px 0px", "borderRadius":"2px"}'
- Type: {
overlayStyle?: CSSStyle
} &ImportOptions
Configuration for the drag and drop functionality.
is used to customise the overlay element that is displayed when a file is dragged over the table.
If the formats
array inside ImportOptions
is not set or is empty, it will automatically use all formats defined in the import buttons
(if there are two import buttons where one accepts "csv" and another accepts "xlsx", the result will be ["csv", "xlsx"]), however if there
are no import buttons this property will be set to ["csv"].
- Sample code
- Full code
"dragAndDrop": {
"overlayStyle": {"backgroundColor": "#80ff704d", "border": "5px dashed #52c360"},
"formats": ["csv", "xlsx"],
"overwriteOptions": {"importRowStartIndex": 1, "tableRowStartIndex": 1}
<!-- This example is for Vanilla JS and should be tailored to your framework (see Examples) -->
<!-- If you are using file formats other than csv (like in the example), import the 'xlsx' module (see Files Examples) -->
"dragAndDrop": {
"overlayStyle": {"backgroundColor": "#80ff704d", "border": "5px dashed #52c360"},
"formats": ["csv", "xlsx"],
"overwriteOptions": {"importRowStartIndex": 1, "tableRowStartIndex": 1}
["Planet", "Diameter", "Mass", "Moons", "Density"],
["Earth", 12756, 5.97, 1, 5514],
["Mars", 6792, 0.642, 2, 3934],
["Jupiter", 142984, 1898, 79, 1326],
["Saturn", 120536, 568, 82, 687],
["Neptune", 49528, 102, 14, 1638]]'
tableStyle='{"width":"100%", "boxShadow": "rgb(172 172 172 / 17%) 0px 0.5px 1px 0px", "borderRadius":"2px"}'
The overlay will appear for any file format as the component cannot inspect the file that is being dragged, but it will not process
file formats that are not in the formats
array after they are dropped.
- Type: {
formats?: FileFormat[]
,overwriteOptions?: ImportOverwriteOptions
} - Default: {formats: ["csv"]}
Configuration for the importable files.
are file extensions that are allowed to be imported. If the array is not set or is empty - it will default to ["csv"].
defines the content that the imported file will overwrite.
- Sample code
- Full code
"buttons": [
"import": {
"formats": ["csv", "ods", "txt"],
"overwriteOptions": {"importRowStartIndex": 1, "tableRowStartIndex": 1}
"import": {
"formats": ["xls", "xlsx"],
"overwriteOptions": {"importRowStartIndex": 2, "tableRowStartIndex": 2}
<!-- This example is for Vanilla JS and should be tailored to your framework (see Examples) -->
<!-- If you are using file formats other than csv (like in the example), import the 'xlsx' module (see Files Examples) -->
"buttons": [
"import": {
"formats": ["csv", "ods", "txt"],
"overwriteOptions": {"importRowStartIndex": 1, "tableRowStartIndex": 1}
"text": "Import CSV ODS TXT"
"import": {
"formats": ["xls", "xlsx"],
"overwriteOptions": {"importRowStartIndex": 2, "tableRowStartIndex": 2}
"text": "Import XLS XLSX"
["Planet", "Diameter", "Mass", "Moons", "Density"],
["Earth", 12756, 5.97, 1, 5514],
["Mars", 6792, 0.642, 2, 3934],
["Jupiter", 142984, 1898, 79, 1326],
["Saturn", 120536, 568, 82, 687],
["Neptune", 49528, 102, 14, 1638]]'
tableStyle='{"width":"100%", "boxShadow": "rgb(172 172 172 / 17%) 0px 0.5px 1px 0px", "borderRadius":"2px"}'
- Type: {
importRowStartIndex?: number
,tableRowStartIndex?: number
} - Default: {importRowStartIndex: 0, tableRowStartIndex: 0}
Configuration for defining which imported file's rows will be used to overwrite which table rows. Both properties
use zero based indexes where the first row is represented by 0.
property is the imported file's starting row index that will be used to overwrite the table. E.g. a value of 1
indicates that it will only use rows below the header.
property marks the starting row of the data that will be completely removed and overwritten by the imported table rows. E.g. a value of 1
will overwrite all of the rows below the header row. Use a value of -1 to append the incoming table rows after the last existing row of the table.
- Sample code
- Full code
files='{"buttons": [{"import": {"overwriteOptions": {"importRowStartIndex": 1, "tableRowStartIndex": -1}}}]}'
<!-- This example is for Vanilla JS and should be tailored to your framework (see Examples) -->
<!-- If you are using file formats other than csv (like in the example), import the 'xlsx' module (see Files Examples) -->
files='{"buttons": [{"import": {"overwriteOptions": {"importRowStartIndex": 1, "tableRowStartIndex": -1}}}]}'
["Planet", "Diameter", "Mass", "Moons", "Density"],
["Earth", 12756, 5.97, 1, 5514],
["Mars", 6792, 0.642, 2, 3934],
["Jupiter", 142984, 1898, 79, 1326],
["Saturn", 120536, 568, 82, 687],
["Neptune", 49528, 102, 14, 1638]]'
- Type: {fileName?: string,
formats?: FileFormat[]
} - Default: {fileName: "table_data", format: ["csv"]}
Configuration for the exported fileName
and the available formats
that it can be exported with.
When more than one format is defined - the button will use a dropdown to list each option.
- Sample code
- Full code
"buttons": [
{"export": {"fileName": "example_csv", "formats": ["csv"]}},
{"export": {"fileName": "example_xls", "formats": ["xls"]}},
{"export": {"fileName": "example_xlsx", "formats": ["xlsx"]}},
{"export": {"fileName": "example_ods", "formats": ["ods"]}},
{"export": {"fileName": "example_txt", "formats": ["txt"]}},
{"export": {"fileName": "example", "formats": ["csv", "xls", "xlsx", "ods", "txt"]}}
<!-- This example is for Vanilla JS and should be tailored to your framework (see Examples) -->
<!-- If you are using file formats other than csv (like in the example), import the 'xlsx' module (see Files Examples) -->
"buttons": [
{"export": {"fileName": "example_csv", "formats": ["csv"]}, "text": "Export CSV"},
{"export": {"fileName": "example_xls", "formats": ["xls"]}, "text": "Export XLS"},
{"export": {"fileName": "example_xlsx", "formats": ["xlsx"]}, "text": "Export XLSX"},
{"export": {"fileName": "example_ods", "formats": ["ods"]}, "text": "Export ODS"},
{"export": {"fileName": "example_txt", "formats": ["txt"]}, "text": "Export TXT"},
{"export": {"fileName": "example", "formats": ["csv", "xls", "xlsx", "ods", "txt"]}}
["Planet", "Diameter", "Mass", "Moons", "Density"],
["Earth", 12756, 5.97, 1, 5514],
["Mars", 6792, 0.642, 2, 3934],
["Jupiter", 142984, 1898, 79, 1326],
["Saturn", 120536, 568, 82, 687],
["Neptune", 49528, 102, 14, 1638]]'
tableStyle='{"width":"100%", "boxShadow": "rgb(172 172 172 / 17%) 0px 0.5px 1px 0px", "borderRadius":"2px"}'
- Type:
File formats that can be imported into and exported out of Active Table.